Whether you live in Brussels, Paris or Geneva, you probably have a Linkedin profile including a corporate headshot photo. And you’re right to do so! LinkedIn is indeed the reference platform to develop your business connections, your skills and above all the best place to land a new job.
“Your name and your online CV are your own brand while your LinkedIn headshot is your own logo”
In other words, LinkedIn is your premier online business hub and your professional digital identity.
You may already know about the 10 golden rules in LinkedIn headshot photography. You may also have a decent photo. But can you assess how professional your LinkedIn photo really is?
LinkedIn profiles with a photo =
🔎 21 X more profile views
📥 36 X more likely to receive messages.LinkedIn profiles with a professional headshot =
👀 14 X more views!
Source: LinkedIn blog
Why you should hire a professional headshot photographer for your LinkedIn
Your LinkedIn photo is your personal brand
We live in the age of digital and personal branding. Therefore, your name and your online CV are your own brand while your LinkedIn headshot is your own logo. You can trust me on this, I used to be a marketer…
Simply said, your LinkedIn photo should convey your values and assets and also invite other professionals to meet you.
Even during these Covid-19 / ‘working from home’ times, we remain humans who, as such, need to meet, greet and feel each other in real life. As a consequence, your profile photo on social media, especially on LinkedIn needs to be reassuring and engaging:
- Reassuring, while showing you as someone confident and credible.
- Engaging, while showing you as a bright and approachable person.
Your LinkedIn photo is your business accelerator
A good image is worth a thousand words.
How does your image stand out from the competition? Can it help you get a job interview out of dozens up to a couple of hundreds of applications? Trust your feelings, you know the answer…
Your image should better be convincing when you know that a picture is processed by our brain in a couple of seconds – if not a fraction – and that this image is likely to stick for a looooooong time, even after meeting in-person.
There won’t be a second impression. Take care of the first one!
Your LinkedIn photo should represent your true self
A professional headshot photography shouldn’t simply show how good you look in your business attire. It should show the world who you truly are deep down, as a human being.
You may for example never smile in front of a camera, but deep in your heart you know you’re a very approachable and nice person who even likes to laugh occasionally. How can you fix this?
Simple answer: Hire a professional headshot photographer! Our job is precisely to make you confident, forget about your fears and just shine!
This is something that no selfie or amateur photographer will ever be able to offer you.
4 reasons to hire me as your LinkedIn headshot photographer in Brussels
You know you’re a pro in your area of expertise, so am I. If you choose me as your LinkedIn headshot photographer in Brussels (I also shoot in Belgium or anywhere else on demand), this is what I can bring you:
1. Peace of mind
I know my craft and I know how to consistently leverage the best composition, lighting, posing and post-processing to create the best headshot portrait of you. Feel free to check my portfolio.
2. A moment of fun and human exchanges
Everyone knows it: Photographers do their job because it makes fun! As a pro, I want my clients to have as much fun as I do. That’s why I guide my clients to get the most natural-looking results. That’s also why I like to exchange ideas and thoughts with you.
In order to make photos that look like and summarize YOU, as a professional and as a human being.
3. Enough time to reach excellence
My shootings last at least 1 hour. It may seem long but time flies when you have fun and you will! I know how intimidating it is to meet someone new, even more in front of a camera!
So why 1 hour? From my experience, it takes you about 30 min to become comfortable and look as natural as on a candid shot! After 1h of shooting, you may even surprise yourself how photogenic you can be under the guidance of a professional photographer. Think about it next time you see an ad for a “15 min headshot session”!
👎 Think twice before hiring a low-cost photographer: Short sessions of 10 to 30 min are just a waste of time & money!
4. Retouching done the right way
Contrary to many other Brussels professional headshot portrait photographers, I retouch all of my photos. This way, I can assure you I will minimize minor skin flaws which may embarrass you and enhance your assets. Keep in mind you want to hire a pro, not an amateur! My job is to create photos with your BEST look.
Did I convince you to hire a professional portrait photographer? If so, feel free to book your headshot photography shooting in Brussels!

Brussels-based professional photographer, specialized in Events (corporate ; weddings, baptisms…) + Portraits + Architecture.
I offer my services in all Belgium and the nearby countries.